In December 2007, I was standing at the starting line of the Death Valley 1/2 marathon (my third 1/2 marathon). As my dear friend and I were shivering in the cold morning air of the desert, I overheard a waiting runner state with enthusiasm "I love exercise!" I then turned
to my friend and said; "You know, I really, really want to love exercise but I don't. I guess I just don't have an appreciation for exercise at any level." I started that 1/2 marathon and it turned out to be my worst event so far. My friend was so patient with me as I struggled through the course getting more and more ill with every step. I finished the race 3 hours and 20 minutes later. It was the longest race of my exercise history. To this day I am still grateful I had my friend with me supporting me every step of the way.
Now, as I sit looking at my list of 39 things to complete during this year, I have a couple of items on the list that require me to be physically active in some way. In fact I have been working on
item number 15 - "Taking 5 minutes off of my best 1/2 marathon time." I guess in some way, I really am trying to find a way to love and appreciate exercise. I know that exercise is so vital for the human body and spirit. I also know that because of my genetic make-up, that without exercise my body would wallow in weight gain. But for me, it is a personal struggle every time I put on my walking/running shoes to want to exercise. Once I am out the door, I always have a desire to finish what I start. My husband and my dog are my biggest cheerleaders pushing or pulling me (as the case may be) out the door and down the street in an effort to help me "love" exercise.
On Saturday, March 20, 2010 I will attempt my 10th half marathon. This time in Moab, Utah.
Based on my up and down training schedule - I am just hoping to finish this race in a decent time. The last Moab 1/2 that I participated in, I completed the course in 2 hours and 47 minutes. My best 1/2 marathon time was in Salt Lake (2008) at 2 hours and 40 minutes. So in order for me to take 5 minutes off of my personal best time would mean that I need to complete a 1/2 marathon course in 2 hours and 35 minutes. But this training schedule has presented new challenges for me. I have had terrible shin splints, extreme blisters and no matter what I do I don't seem to have the endurance to run/jog just 30 seconds faster with each mile.
I have found a way to stop the blisters, I have new Superfeet insoles for my shoes and my husband and my dog wait ever so patiently as I trudge behind them running down the streets of my city in an effort to finish what I have started. I may never truly appreciate exercise - but I will keep doing it. I will keep doing it to have time with my husband. I will keep doing it in the hope that somehow I will be able to stay more active as I get older. I will keep exercising to keep up with my children and I will keep exercising for me to be the best that I can be for myself and my family.
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