It has been a while since I blogged anything. Life has been upside down in our home and when our home is in disarray writing the events of the day is usually the last thing I want to do - who wants to relive the hard moments (not me - I want to learn from them but not relive them.) But now as I have reflected back on the last year, I have had big learning moments and realizations. Spending the year trying to get pregnant was exciting at first and then in the hard - still now it brings tears to my eyes wondering about all of the whys. Why did we feel prompted to try? Why and how could this be helpful for our home and family? Why couldn't my body figure out how to conceive a child? Okay enough of my crying. Time to move forward - it is still the first of the year and it has been great so far.

Focus Joelle - this year fitness and well being are the focus of my journey. It is time to get in shape. So I have been working on changing my diet and my friend has talked me into joining her "Biggest Loser Party." Sixteen weeks of eating healthy and exercise. The goal from this date is to lose 20 pounds - 20 POUNDS. So this all starts on Monday - deep sigh. In 2011 I lost 15 pounds and now just a few more to go - that is what I keep telling myself.
So I have decided to blog this journey in my life and what losing 20 pounds for me looks and feels like. Monday, I am going post my "before" picture and my weight. I am not afraid of that - it is just weight and we all have it right? I will update my journey as I go. If for some reason someone feels inspired to leave a comment of inspiration - anytime over the next 16 weeks might be helpful.
Stay tuned. Here I go again :)