"I have held many things in my hands, and lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess."

~~Martin Luther~~

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning..."

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." ~~Maria Robinson

So it has be 4 months since I made time to work on my blog. I cannot believe how quickly life has moved in a forward direction. I remember when I was very little (maybe 5 or 6) and it seemed like waiting for Christmas to come (or any special event for that matter) felt like forever. It seemed like time would slow down in an effort to taunt my patience in waiting for those much anticipated moments to arrive. Now that I am older - 40 to be exact - it seems like time moves too quickly and if I blink for too long - well I just might miss something.

In an effort not to miss anything that life was going to give me, last January 17, 2010 - my 39th birthday - I made a list of 39 things to accomplish before I turned 40. Today I reviewed that list and I have successfully completed 25 of those items. There are a few things that I was able to partially complete but I did not count those. So 25 out of 39 that is a 64% completion rate - that's below a D average if you are using a typical grading scale. However I don't feel like the things that I accomplished this past year by myself and with my family and friends equals a D grade. This blog has been a journal of this past year and some of the things that I know I have accomplished are really quite extraordinary for me and my life. Looking at each month I have posted things, I would give myself an A (of course that is the grading scale according to Joelle).

I have tried to take one day at a time focusing on being true to myself, being a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. Then I added in church service and work. Like the quote at the beginning stated, I can't really start a new beginning but I can do things now that will impact the ending of my story. And again the best way that I know how to do that is one day at a time. Moment by moment in the grand eternal plan and being the best that I can be right now.

So here is a quick review of some things that I did not take time to blog about over the past 4 months that were on "The List of 39."

  • Seeing a Broadway Play - we took the family to the Lion King when it came to Salt Lake in the fall.
  • Planning our family anniversary - Dean and I took the family to Moab for some hiking and rappelling. Oh that was fun.
  • Completed a triathlon, attended the symphony, volunteered at the local elementary school, danced with my husband, brewed up some homemade root beer and the list goes on.
Oh it has been a good year - I wouldn't trade all of the good times or tough times for anything. And to top it all off, I spent this last weekend before I turned 40 with just my husband in St. George. It was amazing. We went to the temple, hiked, rappelled, climbed and zip lined. He planned a wonderful stay at Green Gate Village Bed and Breakfast. We had our adventure with Paragon Adventures and went to and learned about the St. George Temple. It was an amazing way to end an extraordinary year! Now on to the next adventures - What to do now that I am 40? What will this next chapter entail?