"I have held many things in my hands, and lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess."

~~Martin Luther~~

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Self Portraits

Dean and I in an Illinois cornfield.  It was 100 degrees outside!

This summer has just gone by way too fast.  Tomorrow is August 1st - I can't believe it.  I made a blog post the first part of July and I had committed to myself to be more active in keeping track of the events this summer.  Hmmm...I am a little behind.  In an effort to catch up, here is a shortened version.  We recently had two major family activities this summer - Mormon Pioneer Trek which was up in Wyoming at Muddy Creek and our family anniversary held a little early this year in Nauvoo, Illinois to see the LDS Church History sites and to visit Grandma and Papa.  I am trying to put together the photo memory books before the summer is over and that is proving to be quite a challenge.  However I thought it would be fun to share a family tradition that we have anytime we go somewhere - it is the family self portrait.  When we are at a location that we like, our family squeezes together as tight as we can get - and then one person will extend their arm with camera in hand and snap a picture trying to incorporate the family and as much of the background as possible.  It works really well when we get everything in one shot.  However - sometimes it takes a few tries and being that tight and close after ten or so tries - well let's just say the family love begins to lessen just a bit.  But we survive and the memories are great.  Here are a few of my favorite shots from our recent adventures...

Here we are at the Nauvoo, Il LDS Temple

Modeling our Prairie Diamonds from the
Nauvoo Blacksmith shop.

It's 9:00am and we are at the end of the Trail of Hope (tears) on the Mississippi River.
It is 95 degrees outside and it looks like it may be a bit too early in the morning for a self portrait with teenagers!

Self Portrait at the St. Louis Archway - and yes it is 95 degrees at 9:00am. 
This picture is after seven tries! We finally got one I liked!

Inside the Archway
waiting for our ride down

Here are a few more pictures to catch up with our summer events.  These bring back fun memories even though it was a short time ago!

Mormon Pioneer Trek - Muddy Creek Wyoming in June 2011

Kiss Me Dirty Mud Run girls only - July 2, 2011

C'mon how about a kiss?
We had to find a way to include the boys too! :)

One of my favorites - Dean and I as we look at the Mississippi River at the St. Louis Archway. 
A nice way to end the trip!
 There is a review of summer 2011 so far.  It has been fun and filled with a lot to do!  Hopefully I will be able to update things a bit more frequently now as we move into fall.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baby Ducks

The other night Dean and I were driving down a very busy construction filled street for our weekly date.  We had had several difficult weeks at home with our teenagers.  Well, to be honest several difficult months -hence the reason I haven't blogged for a while.  So now that we had some time to ourselves, we were simply sitting in silence in the car.  The traffic light had turned red and I was lost in my thoughts trying to figure out how things had gone so far off course in our home.  Sitting there, I looked up and noticed a mother duck trying to get her babies across seven different lanes of traffic.  Since our car had just come to a stop, she decided to cross right in front of us.  My heart panicked for her knowing she needed to make it across the street with her brood.  In a split second I went to jump out of the car but I froze as the light turned green.  Dean rolled down the window and got oncoming cars to stop - she made it across half of the busy construction filled road and had halfway to go without our help.  Our car didn't move and neither did the car next to us.  This brave mother duck waddled on with her children following closely behind.  Cars stopped quickly on the other side of the road when they realized this small family was working so frantically to get across the street.  What played out in just a matter of seconds - sure felt like an eternity as we waited to ensure the safe passage of this small group.  They made it!  Oh relief, tears welled up in my eyes,my racing heart began to relax and we drove on to our destination.

Lost in my thoughts again, I realized that I am like that mother duck.  I didn't have the opportunity to raise my children when they were young and now as they begin to spread their wings and learn to take flight I find myself doing everything possible to make sure they know how to cross the very busy street of life.  I am dependant on others around me (God, family, ward members and good friends) to help guide my children safely through the worldly construction.  Sometimes I can't do it alone - in fact I am sure that's the way our Heavenly Father planned it.  I need God in my life, I need the guidance as I navigate across the "busy road."  My children need him as well.  It is so hard watching my children grow, struggle and learn.  As they struggle, I struggle.  I want so bad to shelter them from the storm.  I can't always do that and I have to have faith they will remember what they have been taught, make good choices and always be surrounded by the everyday people and things that will help them cross the busy street.

Life has settled down in our home again.  Our children have had some marvelous experiences in the past few weeks and I am grateful.  I pray that they will continue to have a desire to choose good things that make them happy.

Now on getting pregnant.  Well with all of the chaos in our home, Dean and I decided to focus on our teenagers - not on getting pregnant.  So acupuncture and temperature reading were put on hold.  To be honest, my teenagers are making me really question having a child.  Parenting teens is emotionally draining and frankly I am not sure I am up for round two.  So we are trying to decide what our next step will be in this process.  We are looking at getting July behind us and then we will determine which way to go on this journey.