"I have held many things in my hands, and lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess."

~~Martin Luther~~

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Keeping Busy

It has been a month since I posted an update on this 2011 journey.   Spring has been very interesting one minute there is sunshine and 70 degree temperatures and the next day we could wake up with 4 inches of snow.  It is crazy.  I am ready for spring.  I am ready to work in my garden and dig in the dirt.  Just ready for sunshine.  Oh how I long for the sun and the warmth that it brings.

In the last blog I discussed my concerns about having a child.  I still have
 concerns but I have settled into the process of trying.  I wake up every morning and before I barely move, I take my temperature.  I log it and then I look for any changes.  I really feel more in tune with my body than ever before.  I never realized.  I am continuing with acupuncture, daily vitamins and supplements and now Chinese herbs.  I am not pregnant yet but I feel great - better than I have felt in a very long time!  It is amazing.

One of the other things that have I had to make the decision to change is my eating habits.  No dairy, no wheat and no refined sugar.  So what is a girl with a sweet tooth to do?  Well I have buried myself in the kitchen.  Trying recipes and experimenting.  My family has been the testing zone.  Some things have been a success and others - well big flops.  My first success was from the the Spunky Coconut is was the Spunky Coconut Vanilla Bean Cake recipe. My family loved that cake and did not have a clue what the ingredients were in the recipe.  The secret - cooked white beans.  When I told them - jaws dropped but they continued to eat it.  Sam even had two pieces.  Now that I have made changes in my diet, spent so much time cooking and tasting - the amazing thing is that I am down 10 pounds from Christmas.  I am still 10 pounds to go to hit my goal but I feel amazing!

Last thing - Dean and I just finished our first half marathon for the year and we completed it with one of our best times in our half marathon career.  I followed a combination of running and walking and finished in 2 hours and 32 minutes.  Yeah!!!  The most amazing thing I wasn't sore the next day.  I felt great.  I had energy.  I can't wait until our next race in a month.  In fact my children are excited about being active.  In fact I talked my daughter into doing the Dirty Girl Run.  We are a relay team and we will each be taking 2 miles through mud obstacles dressed as divas!  We are looking forward to that event in July. The site is Dirty Girl Run - check it out!